Rules and Regulations

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General Rules

1.1 - You may not, use unintended methods to obtain any items, meta-currency or prestige in the server.

1.2 - You may stand on another players head to reach a higher location as long as it is only a one man boost and the player boosting is reasonably expected to be able to support another player on top of them. 

1.2a - Eg. A player stood on flat ground can boost a player fine, but a player standing on the very edge of a balcony would not be able to get reasonable footing to be able to support another player.

1.3 - You may not prop surf.

1.4 - You may not prop block. Prop blocking is when a player blocks off all entrances to a building. If the building has only 1 entrance, it must be 100% enter-able. If the building has windows, they may be blocked. The props must be placed appropriately, adhering to real-life physics (you may not just place 3-4 chairs in front or at the back of the entrance and freeze them).

1.5 - You may not prop kill.

1.6 - You may not leave when in an RP situation unless taken out by a member of staff.

1.7 - You may not drag props large distances.

1.8 - You may not drag bodies large distances or in public areas. You may drag bodies short distances to hide them from plain view.

1.9 - You may not log in or out with the pure intentions to avoid role-play situations.

2.0 - You may not, promote a disruptive environment.

2.1 - You may not with use a radio, phone or any other kind of communication device while restrained.

2.2 - You may not, abuse, spam music or bait police.

2.3 - You may not, break character, or meta game.

2.4 - Role playing rape is never permitted. Doing so will result in a permanent ban.

2.5 - Sexual harassment, hate speech and/or racist remarks of any nature will result in an immediate permanent exclusion from all of the services we provide, including but not limited to team-speak, forums, and the in-game servers.

2.6 - Do not, attempt to remove yourself from a role play situation by untraditional methods.

2.7 - Do not, create real world transactions for, items, meta-currency or prestige.

2.8 - You cannot role play an animal, you're not. As much as you think you are, you're not.

2.9 - When placing an advertisement (/ads), it needs to be an actual advertisement. Do not abuse this feature. Behavior such as ("/ads dude u seriously need to value your life") is not tolerated. Do not address the beginning of your advertisements with "[ooc], or (ooc)", this is a direct violation of the rules!

3.0 - Do not, power game. Power gaming is when you take control of a role play situation in order to give yourself an unfair advantage ie; saying "i have gun in my pocket aimed at you, now comply with my demands" or something along those lines. You must physically show your weapon, in order for it to be considered an actual weapon.

3.1 - You may not, prop climb to achieve a goal. You are not allowed to place several props with the intentions of quickly solving a problem.

3.2 - You are not, allowed to buy property if you do not have the intentions to use it.

3.3 - You are not, allowed to steal UPS Vans, Sales Vans, Tow Trucks, Busses, or Taxis.

3.4 - You cannot construct defenses that grant you a significant unfair advantage in raids. - you cannot build structures that require you to crouch or jump to get through.

3.5 - An administrator retains the irrevocable rights to punish you according to their perception of the situation

3.6 - Committing crimes that are considered to be felonies are not allowed within the Judges, DA's Office, City Mayor's Office, City Council, EMS & FD Chief, Lieutenants+ in the PD and Internal Affairs. (This also applies whilst off-duty). The bare exception is when an on duty officer is deep undercover, and/or off duty to aid the police department.

3.7 - You may not drag bodies large distances or in public. You may drag bodies short distances to hide them.

3.8 - Do not drag map props around. You may move them out of the way, but you cannot drag them away from their property.

3.9 - Do not, under any circumstances exploit the sitting script.

4.0 - Do not sit on vehicles while they are moving. Under certain circumstances you may sit in the back of a pickup truck, but a valid rp reason is required.

4.1 - Do not sit on other players.

4.2 - You may not leave a victim in zip-ties after successfully finishing a robbery. The only exception being if law enforcement shows up during or after the robbery.


VDM (Vehicle Death-match)

1.1 - You cannot intentionally run someone over with your vehicle unless they constitute a definite threat to your life.

1.2 - If you're run over because you're standing in the road, this does not count as VDM.


Value Life

1.1 - You must value your own and other's life at all times. You can kill someone for not complying with your reasonable demands, provided it's not power-gamed. You can kill hostages for the police not complying with your reasonable demands. (Simon says is not a valid reason to execute a hostage!

1.2 - When held at gunpoint or weapon-point, you cannot pull out your gun or weapon. You may pull out a gun or weapon if the individual(s) whom had you at gunpoint or weapon-point turn their backs, or have the weapons aimed in a position that isn't detrimental to your well-being.

1.3 - You may not invoke a situation with a larger group, (ex. 1v4, 4v9).This would be too big of a risk to pull off.

1.4 - You may not use a bin to dispose of a body unless you, or your group, were responsible for their death and have a valid reason to dispose of them. You may not dispose of your friends bodies or any random bodies you come across.

1.5 - When held at gunpoint or weapon-point you cannot run away. (however, if you are in a vehicle and have a way to escape, you may evade!)

1.6 - When held at gunpoint by police or otherwise civilians you can run away if there is a fair distance between you and them. (however, if you are in a vehicle and have a way to escape, you may quickly evade!)

1.7 - You must role play fear when applicable!

1.8 - You may not role play a suicidal individual.



1.1 - You are not allowed to run a red light and or reckless drive without a good reason.

1.2 - The only time you can run a red light and or reckless drive is when there's a;- Crime in action

- Pursuit 
- Moving for emergency vehicles 
- Hearing gunshots
- Fitting a roleplay situation

1.3 - You are allowed to violate the speed limits. But we want you to prevent running red lights and or driving on the wrong side of the road for no reason.

1.4 - You may only go into a pursuit if you are harboring something illegal or have done something illegal.

1.5 - You cannot drive on the wrong side of the road. (Unless you have a good roleplay reason).

1.6 - You cannot walk in streets or highways. (Unless you have a good roleplay reason).


Workbenches/Furniture/Drug Equipment Rules

1.1 - You Are Not Allowed To Place Any Crafting Table Or Stove In Any Public Areas Including But Not Limited To:- Open Streets

- Shops
- Town Hall
- Police Department
- EMS Department
- Fire Department

1.2 - You are allowed to use unowned property!

1.3 - You may not leave behind and or lock any of the crafting tables or stoves in any of these or inferred areas.

1.4 - You may not lock any of your drug equipment and or furniture in an open area.

1.5 - You may drop equipment in owned and or unowned property.


Hostages, Jailbreaks, Mugging

1.1 - You cannot take over the jail.

1.2 - You cannot do a jailbreak with less than 6 cops online.

1.3 - You cannot use the police NPC to break someone out of jail, this includes corrupt cops of all ranks, unless being release for valid reasons. Eg. Wrong sentence time. You  must  directly break them out of the cells.

1.4 - You cannot hold a cop at gunpoint and force them to release someone via the police npc

1.5 - You cannot you can not raid the evidence locker with less than 6 cops online.

1.6 - You can request a maximum of $7.500, per single hostage.

1.7 - You are not allowed to force someone to take money out of the atm.

1.8 - You are not allowed to force someone to take items out of the bank storage.

1.9 - You may not rob someone for his/her money and/or items, this includes but is not limited to hats, backpacks and sunglasses. However, does not include electronic devices.

2.0 - You cannot take a cop hostage with less than 3 cops online

2.1 - You cannot take the police negotiator hostage during negotiations

2.2 - When doing a jailbreak, the person must be in the actual jail cell, not in the holding cell.

2.3 - If you succeed in your jailbreak, you must leave straight away (you can’t stay in the PD and kill people).

2.4 - You are not allowed to take hostages in public, it must be in secluded areas.

2.5 - You are not allowed to crash into another person's car, to wreck it; so you can rob them, this is considered Failrp. Example: if you're in a head on collision you aren't allowed to rob the person.


If you Respawn

1.1 - You can remember friends.

1.2 - You cannot remember enemies.

1.3 - You cannot return to the scene (in Town) of your death until 5 minutes after re-spawn.

1.4 - You cannot return to the scene (outside Town) of your death until 5 minutes after re-spawn.

1.5 - You cannot return to the same role play situation.


If you are Revived

1.1 - You can not remember the past 15 minutes unless it's for medical purposes.

1.2 - You can not reinitiate in the same role play situation.

1.3 - You can be reintroduced to a roleplay situation via Law Enforcement charges / Restraining.



1.1 - You can not assault people without proper vocal roleplay initiation that stems from you or your group in all situations.

1.2 - You can not murder someone unless they have threatened your life or have not complied with your reasonable demands.-You may execute enemies with proper role play. If there is long on going dispute you may execute the person. (There needs to be good reason to execute someone that you are holding hostage.)

1.3 - You can not holster your weapon until you are leaving a live fire scenario or it has ended.

1.4 - Initiated roleplay lasts for roughly 10 minutes before you must re-initiate.

1.5 - You can not initiate gun play roleplay with police while restrained(for example: Telling police they will die unless they let you go.) Initiation must be done by an outside source.

1.6 - Being restrained by a cop is not classed as initiation.


Civilian Rules

1.1 - You may not have any police equipment/ weapons! This includes but is not limited to Tasers/ Handcuffs/ Fine Clipboard, etc...

1.2 - You cannot wear any type of police clothing or any government officials clothing

1.3 - You may not steal FIRE/EMS vehicles!

1.4 - You must have a valid rolplay reason for all your actions!

1.5 - Follow all the guide lines above!


Police Rules

1.1 - You may not sell or give any of your police equipment to players! This would result in a permanent removal from ProjectLife

1.2 - You can search civilians if you have probable cause or they wear a mask inside city limits.

1.3 - Must follow all police guide lines and proper arrest

1.4 - Being corrupt is allowed but you must follow all of the server rules and police guide lines!


Paramedic Rules

1.1 - EMS are a neutral force and do not take sides.

1.2 - You do not revive people in an active gunfight.

1.3 - No Criminal Activity is allowed while you are on duty as an EMS.

1.4 - EMS are in control of you after reviving you, do everything they ask and roleplay your injuries.

1.5 - Hindering a medic on duty is not allowed. (This includes stealing equiqment/vehicles)


Firefighter Rules

1.1 - Fireman are a neutral force and do not take sides.

1.2 - You do not fight the fire in an active gunfight.

1.3 - No criminal activity is allowed while you are on duty.

1.4 - Hindering a fireman on duty is not allowed. (This includes stealing equiqment/vehicles)


Physic Gun Rules

1.1 - You may only use the physics gun to move items in small movements.

1.2 - When you are in the building or very close to where you wish to place the item you may use the physics gun to place the items.

1.3 - Anyone seen moving items in large movements will be punished.

1.4 - You may not have your physics gun out in public in large crowds. Your only allowed with it away from others and in small movements

1.5 - These rules are lifted during any administrative activity

1.6 - Anyone who attempts to kill or harm others with items on a physics gun will be charged with exploiting as well.


Green Zones

1.1 - No crime in Green Zones. (10m radius around these areas)

- Civilian Spawns
- EMT Bases / Fire Station / Hospitals / Police Department.
- ATM’s
- Car Garage
- NPCs (except drug dealer)
- Running into a green zone whilst in a combat situation the zone is no longer a "green zone".
 -Excessive baiting/trash talking inside a green zone is classed as initiation.

1.2 - The bank is considered a Green Zone unless a person or group of individuals have the intent to rob the bank. Must have all of the necessary items and proceed with the bank robbery to the best of your ability. You may not go to the bank to rob tellers, atm users etc.


Updated Rules/ New Rules

1.1 - You cannot taser rush and individual when fired upon of, and or your life is in danger as an officer

1.2 - You cannot ask for any government or other sort of assistants in /ooc. Use your phone for that